Generational Gap between Parents and adolescents and Millennials is a recurrent and a severely plaguing issue of our society, and has consequently been hindering progress and harmony within the household and in the larger community. A clash of values, traditions, behaviors, and attitudes can be seen, and a lack of effective conflict resolution is forcing Parents and their Children to move further away from each other. Communication Gap and a degree of expectation from both ends often have an adverse effect on the Mental Health of both the Generations’, and in the case of Millennials, leads to trouble in making the right decision for their Academics, Career, and Marital life. It is time to initiative the conversation and Bridge the Generation Gap before it is too late.
‘Bridging the Generation Gap’ is curated to cater the needs of the community facing the consequences of the Generation Gap. The esteemed Guest Speaker List conducted sessions on Conflict Resolution, Communication Barriers, and healing mental wounds. The Panel Discussion brought together Parents’ and Children in an open and honest conversation around their struggles and expectations and the Networking Session allowed both the Generations to come forth with effective solutions for their troubles.
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