Samar Khan – Cohort II – CAP
Jun 4, 2020 @ 17:04

Samar Khan, an athlete, has taken initiative to create ‘Samar Camp” by utilizing her strengths and providing trainings to youth. She has taken up the responsibility to promote sports and athletics which is what makes her Peace Agent in true manner. Watch this documentary to know more about Samar’s initiative and the work she is doing in her community.

Samar Khan, one of our Salamti Fellows under her initiative ‘Samar Camp’ conducted a group cycling event which carried a message of social cohesion, to promote harmony, acceptance and diversity, hence instilling the importance of social values in society. In the spirit of sports, it allows people to be together from diverse backgrounds, to assert the values of quality, tolerance, mutual understanding, which are the basic elements for peace to be possible in a society. The overall idea was to create a space of inclusion for different mindsets and thought processes on a single platform as a sign of strength and resistance towards extremist values. It was 40 minutes ride from haunted hill, Islamabad with the presence of team AmnQalaab, participants and media outlets. As it was led by woman, it’s a strong message to include young girls and women in such activities which are considered as unconventional sports for women in our societies. They should not hinder their success and choice of profession by such taboos. This rally is a significant example that women have equal rights to lead from front in sports and athletics and can transform the societies in positive approaches towards the cause. Moreover, such activities also reduces the stress, anxiety and depression level when individuals expose themselves towards nature and healthy activities which leads to the peace of minds and hearts.

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